Coffeeshop informatie
Maandag 10:00 - 22:00 Dinsdag 10:00 - 22:00 Woensdag 10:00 - 22:00 Donderdag 10:00 - 22:00 Vrijdag 10:00 - 23:00 Zaterdag 10:00 - 23:00 Zondag 10:00 - 22:00 - Deze coffeeshop zal in de toekomst gereguleerde, gecontroleerde staatswiet gaan verkopen. Voor meer informatie, bekijk de 'Staatswiet' pagina.
- +31 76 521 3239
For the first time I ask for 5 gram, they gave me 3,47gram for 50€. Secound time 3,27gram. Cheaters
The shop is a really nice location and really nice staff. The weed is excellent
They have so many different strains and good quality, also they have prerolled joints like this one, crazy one! S/O Coffeeshop Pax
It looked very nice, I was in Breda for the first time and walked past it and thought I should take a look cuz well it’s on a boat that’s sick. The lady was nice but when I asked for a recommendation for Hasj I didn’t really get an answer. I bought one gram of the second one from the top list of Hasj (I’m sorry I forgot the name but it’s 2 words and both start with the B) and went on my way. The day after I weight it at home and it was 0,79g. I thought it was my scale at first so I tried a different one and got the same results the hasj itself is so very dry it almost turns to powder it tasted a bit off en didn’t get me a great high (even after not smoking for 2 days and usually I smoke multiple times a day) it’s kind of disappointing it’s like that even though they looked great. Won't go back there next time I’m in Breda. I suggest you won’t go there for Hasj. I do see a lot of good reviews so I just didn’t expect this. It was also high priced for Hasj for instance the coffee shop I buy from sells for at least 6 euros per gram and highest 13 euros. Its way better quality. Sad to see
Definitely the best coffeeshop in Breda. Today I paid 12 euro for the wrong joints (miscommunication) and I got three joints back for the mistake they made.
Very polite black gentleman at the counter, clean and nice buds, 1 of the best coffeeshops in Breda ….
Bought my first edible. But when asked for much I eat it or the amount of THC in it couldn't get a good answer. Although the edible was quite nice, eat less then half if your first time and wait 2h.
Chill vibes, you are on a boat, good weed and a nice place to roll one
Never been here before today. I am not from Breda or nearby and came back from a friends holiday. Simply the best experience I ever had at any shop. Very polite, funny and sweet cashier, and polite but professional security. Would recommend to anyone, anytime, anywhere.
No turist alowed inside. Diskrimknation
Fantastic place, Nice people
Very nice place and very nice service :) It would be nice if you posted a better photo of the menu ;)
I really don't understand why people are saying that the Staff is rude, or that they don't sell to foreigners. This is simply the best coffeeshop in Breda, no contest. Staff is suuuuper chilled and nice with a lot of knowledge. Menu is BIG! Flowers are top grade. And the fact that it floats on the water is just awesome. Big love for PAX family
My number 1 coffeshop i love u all thank u so much
Excellent store, after the update there were a lot of good hybrid varieties. The quality of pot is excellent, well dried and cured. Be sure to visit and try their product. I wish prosperity and all the best to this store.
Staff is way too rude
Great staff and the best pre-rolled joint.
First of all, I would not recommend this coffeeshop, and I really hope that they will improve their service so as not to disappoint their customers in the future. In addition, I would like to note that the salesperson( huckster polish) in this coffeeshop was terrible. He was not only impolite, but also very unprofessional. When I asked him questions about my order, he answered briefly and vaguely, as if I was bothering him with my questions.
Very rude staff.
Good Quality,super service
Good pot and tasty spacecake. Always friendly staff.
Best Koffee Shop in town!! Very friendly! Best Quality!
Only for residential
Used to be one of the best coffeeshops in Breda. Back in the late 90's. It's grown a bit of an attitude though.
Very strict standards with high quality weed.. If you don't live on local address, you are not able to buy anything.
Dumb polish seller, doesn't allow entity for Pepe with ducth ID
ID required,even though you are not junkie but regular, normal guy. No buy-no satisfy. It's much easier to buy this healing plant in Antwerpen than in this city.
Best stuff in town
Small assortiment. No free parking unless you don't mind walking 5. Otis once sat at the dock of the bay, well... sitting on water in a café setting, in the middle of town is a must see. When it's not too busy, a very dreamy place to relax.
Small assortiment. No free parking unless you don't mind walking 5. Otis once sat at the dock of the bay, well... sitting on water in a café setting, in the middle of town is a must see. When it's not too busy, a very dreamy place to relax.
Its a private club for tru patriots
Good prices, nice personel who is nice to there usual clients
Best in town keesieeeeeee
Very good weed, fresh and strong.
best in breda ;)
Zeer onvriendelijke shop. Ga hier dan ook niet naartoe. Ken je beter naar FlynHigh gaan. Betere wiet en beter personeel.
Mexicain haze
Waarom halen jullie mijn recensie weg? Mag niemand lezen wat voor gevaarlijke rotzooi jullie verkopen. Mag niemand lezen dat ik long en keel klachten heb gehad na het roken van jullie wiet. Mag niemand weten dat er slechte bewerkte Amnesia in de omloop is die jullie ook verkopen en daarmee geen rekening houden met de gezondheid van jullie klanten en dat alleen om wat eurootjes meer te verdienen.
Duur shopje maar wel sfeervol Ze moeten goedkoper aanbieden want de mensen gaan naar de flying high etc
Best hash in all of the Netherlands hands down