Coffeeshop Flash Back

Hudsonstraat 138-HS, Amsterdam (Amsterdam-West)

Coffeeshop Info



Spatfare - vor 2 Wochen
I am putting 2 stars just because i dont want to ruin totally the reviews. You get one star for having just 2 types of weed sorry 3 with fake cali and 1 hasj type where you come up with the prices depending on your mood. Lets not talk about the fact that you still keep the hasj on your pocket to be warm
Heres Jimmy - vor 3 Monaten
Okay hash, but the ATM supposedly never works, so you have to force your withdrawal. The staff is also quite anti-social, there is a volunteer parking attendant who comes and breathes down your neck if you are on the road or parked illegally. They act like their hash comes from heaven. The last time for me.
SuBZeRo1981 - vor 1 Jahr
ANYONE KNOW WHY coffee shop flash is closed today July 30th 2023 on a Sunday it is closed. WHY????
Josh - vor 1 Jahr
Neighbourhood shop 4 strains when I went Worth a try if your close by
Eva - vor 2 Jahren
Nice people , good stuff Take into account the neighborhood Therefore 5 stars
Mouhssine Afyf - vor 2 Jahren
hans martin - vor 4 Jahren
What do you do here if you don't smoke
f p - vor 4 Jahren
very dissatisfied with the staff it is different from what it looks like hash is also very tasty guys
Emanuele Tosto - vor 5 Jahren
Sala fumatori piccola ma accogliente, nulla di eccezionale da fumare. Staff molto cordiale, vale la pena di passare solo per il cartello visibile da fuori
Jordan Williams - vor 6 Jahren
They are just pathetic I bought a joint and the man told me I had to also buy a drink to sit in and smoke only because he probably thought I was a tourist. I see a lot of people here in Amsterdam try to get over on tourists
Hans Andora - vor 6 Jahren
Deze coffeeshop brengt zoveel overlast voor de buurt. Dubbel parkerende bezoekers, parkeren zonder te betalen, hangjeugd, je raad al wat voor bontkraag types het zijn. Vaak melding gemaakt bij de gemeente maar doen niks, ondernemer zelf heeft ook maling aan de buurt. Alle ‘junkies’ van taxi chauffeur tot post koeriers komen hun behoefte hier halen, ik dacht dat het altijd verboden was om tijdens het rijden onder invloed te zijn. Maar er rijdt hier zo vaak handhaving en politie langs maar doen niks omdat ze waarschijnlijk bang zijn denk ik. Als je hier in de buurt woont, kan je beter verhuizen en raad je ook niet aan om hier in de buurt te wonen. ZEER ONVEILIG !!!
Andreas Brockly - vor 8 Jahren
Bad Super Polm hash !!!!
Simone Tritelli - vor 12 Jahren
Very simple coffeshop the weed isn't nothing special but the hash is very good maroc quality and cheap

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