Coffeeshop Paradise

Sint Annastraat 3, Breda (Breda Centrum)

Coffeeshop Info



Micaela Alexadre - vor 2 Monaten
We visited this coffeeshop today, and the owner unjustly decided to deny us entry, even after we provided the necessary proof of residency. This wasn’t our first visit; on previous occasions, we were always allowed in without any issues. However, today they assumed we didn’t understand Dutch, and the so-called “security guard” told the owner in Dutch, “Come here and deal with these junkies,” thinking we wouldn’t understand. The owner blatantly discriminated against us. Despite showing the required documents, he still refused to let us in. When I asked for his name, he arrogantly refused, stating that it wouldn’t make a difference because he was the owner. His attitude made it clear that people of color are systematically denied entry — purely based on racial prejudice. I went straight to the police to report this unacceptable situation, and on Monday morning, I’ll be filing an official complaint at the Gemeente Breda. This behavior is racist, discriminatory, and intolerable!
DA - vor 5 Monaten
Once you buy there, another time you won't even go inside. The lady at the entrance is clearly a racist in the area there are shops where you can buy the same thing with respect. You don't have to think whether today you will be called a tourist or a customer.
Aira Shiyo - vor 8 Monaten
I'm an international and have NO ISSUES entering. This has become my go-to place :) The first time I got turned away - a BSN or health insurance card is not enough. You must show a PRP, which is a registry paper you can get from the municipality proving you live here. The staff explained this clearly to me. I got one, and have had ZERO issues since then. The place has great prices, the product is great quality, and they have product from the new government trial. Recommend!!
Martin Noorloos - vor 8 Monaten
Huge disappointment. The prices are high and the quality is awful. They don't weigh the product in front of you, and at home, I realized it was less than expected. Never again..
Tin Mihalić - vor 9 Monaten
DONT GO THIS AWFUL PLACE!!!!! I showed all the proof that I live in the netherlands and they wont let me in, it was the woman with the red hair. Hospitality towards costumers is disgusting and discriminating. If i could i would give 0 starts
Don Es - vor 10 Monaten
Dont waste your time eith this coffeeshop with bad quality of green stuff,around you have much better places. Racists
Robert Stefan Gavril - vor 10 Monaten
You can’t enter even with a BSN. This is rasism
Mārtiņš Bondars - vor 1 Jahr
Was told by the employee that I'm not allowed in the shop because I'm not a permanent resident in Netherlands, although everywhere it says that residents and persons with BSN temporary working here are allowed to enter.
Lukas Rodríguez - vor 1 Jahr
Even though you r a resident, you can't get in if you're a foreigner. Also poor service
AMG - vor 1 Jahr
Very nice stuff from very kind people, but please close the shop on the weekends at least one day at 23 PM…
Francisco gonzalez - vor 1 Jahr
Really bad customer service
Kamil2902 - vor 1 Jahr
Friendly people, good produce
rakotondratsimba tahiana steve clermont - vor 2 Jahren
It's not realy cool we are in Europe when you travel and he will tell you it's forbidden in hollandais you will understand my frustration
Dylan Nedd - vor 2 Jahren
Verry chill but they only sell 10€ bags and 20€ bags and its not like regular shops if you wanna chill you go there but i recomend going to flynhigh
György Tolkacsov - vor 2 Jahren
One of the best places.
Chris Nico - vor 2 Jahren
Good one
Deluxe_Fox - vor 3 Jahren
This is some good stuff
olimpia XDd - vor 3 Jahren
Really bad quality, i smoke and i dont feel nothing. Never again!!! If you want put your money to the trush, go to this shieet-shop.
Graphic Jams - vor 3 Jahren
When I explain to you the quality differs in Breda when it comes to Lemon Haze. I asked for "really good quality", You boast about how "really really good..."
F Vii - vor 3 Jahren
I am a foreigner resident in netherland having BSN, assurance, bank account and nothing, if you don't have a paper with your Nederland's address you can't go inside.. don't waste your time for this is place
Cesar Catalan Vazquez - vor 3 Jahren
Very friendly staff, good selection as well :)
TheWhite Rose - vor 3 Jahren
Best stuff and alot of variety
Rowan smith - vor 3 Jahren
they sell really nice joints here for only 2,50 so its pretty affordable for regular users and it has a generally really nice atmosphere, also has cool artwork in the shop
Luis Ferreira - vor 3 Jahren
Good Morning I went to the store to buy something to smoke, they didn't sell me because I didn't have an address in Holland Go to Caralho and the country too
Lucas Vianello - vor 4 Jahren
Incompetent and outdated information being shared by requesting the old registration system (GBA) to access their services instead of accepting a student ID or BSN form like every other shop does... Since the new database is BRP not GBA anymore and they still ask for that... Outrageous!
Mateusz Filipiński - vor 4 Jahren
Great service and first class weed!
Nine - vor 4 Jahren
Niklas Q. - vor 4 Jahren
Great Quality and lots to choose from. Employers are fun and friendly. Better than others I've tested in Breda. You need to live in the Netherlands to be able to buy here since that is a law by the city of Breda and also answered in the Q&A section, so don't be surprised.
Vytė Ma - vor 5 Jahren
A great coffee shop! There isn't much space inside, but the employees are very friendly and always give you advice. The quality of the products is great as well. You can not buy anything here, if you don't live in the Netherlands, but if you show them your permit, they will register you at the shop and only an ID will be needed next time!
Master Luster - vor 5 Jahren
Nice and cozy cannabis store with good options and friendly staff. The atmosphere can get quite crowded sometimes, since the place is only a medium-sized room with a counter and a few places to sit. However, the vibe inside is very warming, with hand picked decorations and a big window to the small, crowded streets of central Breda.
Galibane K - vor 5 Jahren
Best place in Breda, to chill and have a good smoke.
Rafal Avalon - vor 5 Jahren
I came there, some small gay asked me for ID. I show it to him, than he asked me for Nederlands ID. Im not Nederlands So of course i dont have it. So this little gay without asking for anything else, racially profiled me and said you cant be in this coffeeshop. Than i took my uitreksel, show it to him. This gay has some psychol problem. Im customer, coming with money, ID and documment and this gay reject me to buy there due my nationality.
Nuno Ribeiro - vor 6 Jahren
you need residence
Patricia L - vor 6 Jahren
Great service, people and place. Staff are knowledgeable and herb is of good quality. This is quickly turning into my favorite place for herb!
Edward Donnelly - vor 6 Jahren
Gezelligheid 10/10
Tasia Karavioti - vor 6 Jahren
Perfect amnesia axaxax
Nils Becker - vor 7 Jahren
Don’t waste your time here...very unfriendly/unprofessional host
A Google user - vor 7 Jahren
nice place to visit with tourists who want to see Netherlands on his best
Jan Balog - vor 7 Jahren
Very bad asked me for ID i gave him...after he asked for bsn i gave him also...and after he said i cannot entrance..first time situation like this in for me big minus!
Rbn Ffg - vor 7 Jahren
best shop in town. if you like hasjish...definatly try the 'paradise joint'. Its... strong AF :)
Anetta De wit - vor 8 Jahren
Super gezellige shop, fantastische weed en heerlijke mensen 1 Love
juan timmers - vor 8 Jahren
Fijne,kleine,gezellige shop! Één van de betere shops van Breda,grote keuze in kwalitatief goede hasj en wiet,en vriendelijk personeel die meer dan voldoende warenkennis hebben om iedereen van zijn of haar voorkeur te kunnen voorzien. De grote verscheidenheid aan klanten,uit alle lagen van de bevolking,gecombineerd met de laagdrempelige,gemoedelijke uitstraling,en vakkundigheid en vriendelijkheid van het personeel,maken het voor mij een topshop,en zeker een aanrader!
Crackh 0412 - vor 8 Jahren
Ongelovelijke kut shop ben er ondertussen achter dat je in heel breda niks fatsoenlijks kan halen snap niet dat er zoveel mensen in breda heen blijven gaan het paradijs is super klein druk rotzooi wiet voor een ongelovelijke prijs hasj hetzelfde het personeel denkt te weten wat ze verkopen maar zijn duidelijk nog nooit in een andere coffeshop ergens buiten breda geweest Koop hier geen wiet geen hasj en bespaar jezelf de moeite om er heen te gaan hierboven in de reacties claimt de eigenaar dat als je niet tevreden bent je iets anders uit kan zoek etc. Blah blah blah ik ben vandaag geweest en heb 2 zakkjes tak rotzooi gehaald voor 13 eu het rook oke maar smaakte nergens naar een binnen/buiten kweek erg amateuristische dit kan ik thuis ook doen en dan haal je nog meer resultaat eruit voor dezelfde prijs als hier 0.65 is vervolgens ben ik met een vande zakjes terug ge gaan onaangebroken en de eigenaaf vertelde mij dat ik tog gewoon alle takken der uit kon halrn en kon roken ik probeerde nog uit te leggen dat ik zojuist al een heel tientje aan takken oo had gerookt om ze nog een kans te gevene maar de eigenaar wou me niet eens serieus nemen erg jammer dit dus het is een Rotshop je hebt bewezen dat er niks van waar is wat je hier "CLAIMT" Ik kom iniedergeval nooit meer in breda in de coffeeshop geen een van allemaal op straat kun je daar in tegen hele aardige wiet halen voor goeie prijzen je kan nog beter in breda iemand via via halen???? En iedereen die ander beweert dan dit heeft nog nooit goeie wiet of hasj gerookt en heeft geen recht om hier over te spreken want je brengt andere mensen een kutdag als je hier gaag zeggen dat ze goeie wiet hebben terwijl je niet eene het verschil weet tussen buiten en binnen kweek als je het voor je neus hebt liggen
pwn2k7 - vor 9 Jahren
Ben voor de 2de keer geweest naar het Paradijs door het bericht hieronder. Had goede hoop dat ik deze keer betere kwaliteit wiet zou krijgen. Heb een tientje Amnesia en een tientje Silver Haze gehaald. WAT EEN TROEP WEER GVD. Leken allebei sprekend op elkaar,geen mooie lange blaadjes of haartjes.Niks nada nop. Volgens mij verkopen jullie alleen maar buitenkweek?????
Sir Real - vor 9 Jahren
Friendly Service, Good Stuff!

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