17 coffeeshops in Haarlem, The Netherlands
The best rated shop in Haarlem is Coffeeshop Maximillian.
You can narrow down the list of coffeeshops by selecting one of the districts of Haarlem. For the complete list of coffee shops in Haarlem, just scroll further down the page.
Districts in Haarlem
- Haarlem-Oost 2
- Haarlemmerhoutkwartier 1
- Oude Stad 10
- Spoorbaan Leiden 1
- Westoever Noord Buitenspaarne 3
Coffeeshops in Haarlem
Open now Coffeeshop MaximillianGedempte Oude Gracht 123, Haarlem -
Open now Coffeeshop BirdySchoterweg 19, Haarlem -
Open now Coffee Shop High TimesLange Veerstraat 47, Haarlem -
Open now Coffeeshop The LoungeDoelstraat 29, Haarlem -
Open now Cannabis Shop Willie Wortel IndicaKoudenhorn 58, Haarlem -
Open now Coffeeshop RegineGedempte Oude Gracht 28, Haarlem -
Open now Coffeeshop Hunter'sSchoterweg 66, Haarlem -
Open now Coffee Shop Join UsSchalkwijkerstraat 23zw, Haarlem -
Open now The cannabis cafeBarrevoetestraat 23, Haarlem -
Open now Coffeeshop EmpireKrocht 8, Haarlem -
The Sandman B.V.Zomervaart 154-ZW, Haarlem
Open now Coffeeshop Willie Wortel SativaKruisweg 46, Haarlem -
Open now Maximillian CoffeeshopBarrevoetestraat 23, Haarlem -
Open now Willie Wortel's Sinsemilla Cannabis ShopHoutplein 16-A, Haarlem -
Open now Takeaway CoffeeshopNassaulaan 54, Haarlem -
Coffeeshop DreamlandBrouwersplein 44, Haarlem
Open now The SnoopRijksstraatweg 198, Haarlem
Blog articles about cannabis
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