State-regulated cannabis. What is it and when and where can you buy it?
| (Last update at )Start-up phase cannabis experiment will start in Breda and Tilburg from December 15, 2023!
Update 10-13-2023 - The long-awaited start-up phase of the cannabis experiment will start in Breda and Tilburg on December 15, 2023. The government has announced that this crucial phase of the experiment, introducing closed coffeeshop chains, will be initiated with two legal growers who are expected to be ready for delivery to the coffeeshops in the fourth quarter of 2023.
This exciting development marks a crucial step towards exploring the possibilities of a legalized production and sales chain. The focus is on gaining valuable experiences with regard to the closed chain and all associated processes. The mayors of Breda and Tilburg, with the support of Minister Ernst Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport and Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius of Justice and Security, have taken the initiative to start the cannabis experiment.
With the start-up phase expected to last a maximum of six months, the transition phase will start. Coffeeshops in participating municipalities may then offer regulated products in addition to tolerated products. Although the exact planning of the cannabis growers is still uncertain, the ministers involved strive to keep the House of Representatives informed of further developments.
The possibility has been discussed of an eleventh municipality joining the experiment, namely Amsterdam. Mayor Halsema has nominated the East district. It is currently being investigated how this nomination can take shape, which may require adjustments to the Act and the Closed Coffeeshop Chain Experiment Decree. The bill for this is currently being discussed in the House of Representatives.
The coming months will undoubtedly be a crucial period for the cannabis experiment with Breda and Tilburg as testing grounds for a new era of regulated cannabis sales. Stay tuned for further updates and developments surrounding this groundbreaking initiative.
Update 09-06-2020 - The government has put an application form online for growers who want to participate in the state regulated cannabis experiment. From 1 July 2020, they can sign up via this page of the National Government. There are several conditions that the grower must meet. The grower must supply an extensive plan, in which the location, the (business) plan and the security plan are described. Ultimately, the government will choose 10 growers that may participant in the experiment.
What is state-regulated cannabis?
Startin December 15, 2023 the time has finally come. The Netherlands is taking a step in the right direction when it comes to the legalization of cannabis. With an experiment, until now often known as 'the weed test' or ‘the cannabis experiment’', the aim is to investigate the effects of the sale of regulated cannabis. Basically state-approved weed, in other words, state weed. The experiment will initially start in Breda and Tilburg.
Originally, 26 municipalities registered and ultimately 10 different places remained where legally grown weed and hashish can be sold. To be precise the following:
- Almere
- Arnhem
- Breda
- Groningen
- Heerlen
- Hellevoetsluis
- Maastricht
- Nijmegen
- Tilburg
- Zaanstad (Wormerveer, Zaandam)
Large cities dropped out of the experiment
It has already become clear that the largest cities in Holland: Amsterdam , Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, will not participate. One of the main reasons of this drop out is the demand of the government that every coffeeshop in the relevant city has to participate. According to the big cities, this was simply not doable for all the coffeeshops in the city. The lack of state-regulated weed in these cities is far from ideal for many residents and tourists in the "Randstad". They will now have to travel quite a bit to buy the state-approved marijuana.
Later, Mayor Halsema discussed the possibility of also nominating the East district for the experiment. To achieve this, the current law must first be amended.
The assortment
According to the advisory committee there should be a sufficiently varied range of cannabis supplied to the coffeeshops. It is known that 10 weed selected producers need to produce 10 kinds of marijuana each. Even though the current range in the cannabis cafes of course is much higher, you can say that this is a good start. It shouldn't be very difficult for the average customer to pick a (new) strain.
The assortment of a coffeeshop that participates in the experiment will not immediatly be replaced entirely. However, the politicians still fear for diversion into illegal trade if customers find that their favorite weed species is not sold anymore. On the up side, this new process will probably raise the quality of the weed. For example, you won't find additional substances like lead in the state weed. The information and specifications about a product will improve a lot compared to the current information. Growers will probably be obliged to mention how high the THC content of their grown cannabis is on the packaging. The political party D66, the party that devised the weed test, hopes to make a move to the criminal circuit that takes care of the cannabis cultivation at this moment. In this way, they will try to reduce nuisance and increase safety (and of course quality).
What will be the price of this legalized weed?
At this time we don't know a lot about the pricing of the legalized marijuana. However, many people agree that the price should not be higher than the current price, because otherwise the legal cannabis can't compete with illegal cannabis. In theory you could even think that if the plant is being mass produced, the price should actually be much lower.
Buy state-regulated marijuana
Wondering at which coffeeshops you can buy state-regulated weed? Below you will find a list of all coffeeshops that will (probably) eventually participate in the trial. Starting with Breda and Tilburg, where it will become possible from December 15, 2023.
- Aanloopfase wietexperiment start 15 december 2023 in Breda en Tilburg
- Wietproef kabinet wordt gehouden in tien gemeenten
- Ook Den Haag haakt af bij experiment met staatswiet
- Wietproef: coffeeshops krijgen de tijd om te wennen
- Telers kunnen zich aanmelden voor wietproef kabinet
Buy state regulated cannabis in Almere
Open now Coffeeshop Coffee & DreamsFestivalplein 19, Almere
Buy state regulated cannabis in Arnhem
Open now coffeeshop Zero ZeroHommelseweg 19, Arnhem -
Open now De Sjamaan Smartshop ArnhemBovenbeekstraat 3, Arnhem -
Open now Coffeeshop The WalmSonsbeeksingel 115, Arnhem -
Open now Lucky Luck Softdrugs ShopSonsbeeksingel 91, Arnhem -
Open now Coffeeshop UpstairsBeekstraat 109, Arnhem -
Open now Coffeeshop Lucky LukeSonsbeeksingel 91, Arnhem -
Open now Uncle SamDriekoningenstraat 21-A, Arnhem -
Open now THCSonsbeeksingel 101, Arnhem -
Speak EasyVarkensstraat 3, Arnhem
Happy Days Arnhem B.V.Oude Oeverstraat 6, Arnhem
Buy state regulated cannabis in Breda
Open now PaxNijverheidssingel 8, Breda -
Open now Coffeeshop ParadiseSint Annastraat 3, Breda -
Open now Fly'n'HyHoutmarkt 23, Breda -
Open now De BaronBoschstraat 127, Breda -
Open now Purple RainWillemstraat 12, Breda -
Open now Coffeeshop MajesticBoschstraat 154, Breda
Buy state regulated cannabis in Groningen
StormSpilsluizen 6, Groningen
MetamorphoseOude Boteringestraat 53/1, Groningen
Koffiehuis ReykjavikSpilsluizen 6, Groningen
Open now Coffeeshop De SchavuitSchuitendiep 62, Groningen -
Café DeesPapengang 3, Groningen
The Flying DutchmanGedempte Zuiderdiep 63, Groningen
Open now Rag-a-muffinNoorderstationsstraat 15, Groningen -
De MedleyGedempte Zuiderdiep 64, Groningen
RetroBoterdiep 42, Groningen
Open now Soft-Shop De DriemasterNieuweweg 18, Groningen
Buy state regulated cannabis in Heerlen
Open now Coffeeshop TwinsHonigmannstraat 49, Heerlen
Buy state regulated cannabis in Hellevoetsluis
Open now Barber ShopKerkstraat 24, Hellevoetsluis
Buy state regulated cannabis in Maastricht
Cool RunningsBrusselsestraat 35, Maastricht
KosborKleine Gracht 3, Maastricht
Open now Coffeeshop Mary JaneHoogbrugstraat 4, Maastricht -
Easy Going B.V.Hoenderstraat 8, Maastricht
Open now Coffeeshop Slowmotion Hatigo B.V.Bourgognestraat 10 a, Maastricht -
Open now Fantasia PoolhouseSint Annalaan 3-A, Maastricht -
Coffeeshop Club 69Grote Gracht 97, Maastricht
Open now Coffeeshop MississippiMaaspromenade 11, Maastricht -
The RoundaboutBrusselsestraat 146, Maastricht
Coffeeshop MissouriHoogbrugstraat 31-1, Maastricht
Open now Rasta Fari BoniStenenbrug 7, Maastricht -
Black Widow B.V.Bosscherweg 165, Maastricht
Maxcy's CoffeeshopRechtstraat 60-A, Maastricht
Open now Coffeeshop SmokyMaaspromenade 13A01, Maastricht
Buy state regulated cannabis in Nijmegen
KronkelVlaamsegas 30, Nijmegen
'T KunsjeTweede Walstraat 108, Nijmegen
DakotaLange Hezelstraat 113-A, Nijmegen
Coffeeshop Dreadlock & JetsetVlaamsegas 9-15, Nijmegen
the WedrenPrins Bernhardstraat 71, Nijmegen
HeadshopKelfkensbos 46, Nijmegen
Open now Smoke or Buggy coffeeshopPlatenmakersstraat 8, Nijmegen -
Open now Coffeeshop JamaicaVan Welderenstraat 96, Nijmegen -
Open now Coffeeshop Lucky LukeTweede Walstraat 161, Nijmegen -
Coffeeshop 't Nijmegen WonderSmetiusstraat 13, Nijmegen
Coffeeshop KruidentuinKannenmarkt 9, Nijmegen
Buy state regulated cannabis in Tilburg
Open now ToermalijnBesterdring 187, Tilburg -
Open now Koffieshop PasjaBredaseweg 123, Tilburg -
Open now Coffeeshop AfricaKoopvaardijstraat 46, Tilburg -
Open now Coffeeshop de Muze TilburgTuinstraat 43, Tilburg -
Open now ShivaKoestraat 12, Tilburg -
Open now De MuzeTuinstraat 43, Tilburg -
Open now The Grass CompanySpoorlaan 360, Tilburg -
Open now LevelSint Annaplein 13, Tilburg -
Open now MaximillianKorvelseweg 192, Tilburg -
Open now The Grass Company PiusstraatPiusstraat 124, Tilburg -
Open now CrackersBredaseweg 165, Tilburg