11 coffeeshops in Tilburg, The Netherlands
The best rated shop in Tilburg is Toermalijn.
You can narrow down the list of coffeeshops by selecting one of the districts of Tilburg. For the complete list of coffee shops in Tilburg, just scroll further down the page.
Districts in Tilburg
Coffeeshops in Tilburg
Open now ToermalijnBesterdring 187, Tilburg -
Open now Koffieshop PasjaBredaseweg 123, Tilburg -
Open now Coffeeshop AfricaKoopvaardijstraat 46, Tilburg -
Open now The Grass CompanySpoorlaan 360, Tilburg -
Open now ShivaKoestraat 12, Tilburg -
Open now De MuzeTuinstraat 43, Tilburg -
Open now Coffeeshop de Muze TilburgTuinstraat 43, Tilburg -
Open now MaximillianKorvelseweg 192, Tilburg -
Open now The Grass Company PiusstraatPiusstraat 124, Tilburg -
Open now LevelSint Annaplein 13, Tilburg -
Open now CrackersBredaseweg 165, Tilburg
State regulated cannabis in Tilburg
There are 11 coffeeshops in Tilburg that will sell controlled, state regulated cannabis from 2012. For more information, check out the 'state regulated cannabis' page.
Closed coffeeshops in Tilburg
Caza CoffeeshopGasthuisring 73, Tilburg
Coffeeshop RifBesterdring 157, Tilburg
Koffieshop AfrikaKoopvaardijstraat 46, Tilburg
Blog articles about cannabis
Read more about cannabis in our blog articles.