12 coffeeshops in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The best rated shop in Eindhoven is Coffeeshop Pink.
You can narrow down the list of coffeeshops by selecting one of the districts of Eindhoven. For the complete list of coffee shops in Eindhoven, just scroll further down the page.
Districts in Eindhoven
Coffeeshops in Eindhoven
Open now Coffeeshop PinkWillemstraat 35, Eindhoven -
Open now Coffeeshop High TimesRoostenlaan 24a, Eindhoven -
Open now Coffeeshop Euro-GardenStuiverstraat 146, Eindhoven -
Open now Meet PointEdisonstraat 91, Eindhoven -
Coffeeshop CoolBarrierweg 229, Eindhoven
Open now Vof. 'The Wall'Marconilaan 23C, Eindhoven -
New WaveStratumsedijk 35, Eindhoven
Coffeeshop Casa BlancaSint Antoniusstraat 1, Eindhoven
Open now SindbadHobbemastraat 17, Eindhoven -
CasaBlanca KoffieshopSint Antoniusstraat 1, Eindhoven
Open now Coffeeshop HighlanderBosboomstraat 77, Eindhoven -
UpstairsStratumseind 25A, Eindhoven
Coffeeshops near popular sights or points of interest in Eindhoven
Are you near a popular or well known sight or point of interest in Eindhoven? Find the closest coffeeshop near one of the following locations.
Closed coffeeshops in Eindhoven
Café de BakkerijStratumseind 95, Eindhoven
Coffeeshop De HighlanderBosboomstraat 77, Eindhoven
Coffeeshop GrasshopperGrote Berg 22, Eindhoven
Indian CoffeeshopKarel de Grotelaan 345, Eindhoven
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